Prep Time: 18 Hours
Makes: 4 Servings 32oz
A summer time favorite, and super easy to make. No fancy equipment
needed for a perfect cold brew every time.
Say no to bitter watered down coffee.
4 Cups of Water (945milliliters)
1Cup of Course Ground Cafe Mexicano or
Steps for Making Cold Brew
Preparing cold brew at home is a super simple process that doesn't require any fancy equipment. Make sure that you have a coffee bean grinder, I use the Kitchen-aid coffee grinder and a scale (I do enjoy the technical side of coffee).
Coarsely Grid the Coffee Beans
Freshly ground coffee beans up the flavor of your coffee and delivers a more clean and robust flavor when brewing. For Cold Brew, you need to coarsely grind your coffee. If you brew French Press coffee that size will work for cold brew, or the coarsest setting on your grinder will do.
It is not recommended to use preground coffee from the grocery store to make cold brew, as preground coffee from a grocery store is ground fine, and will not steep properly for cold brew. (when you purchase coffee from The Butter Hole, you are welcome to leave a message asking for coarse ground coffee for cold brew)
Combine with Cold Water
There are several ways to combine the water and the coffee beans. Most importantly, pick a vessel that will hold the proper amount of water and coffee grounds. I like using a quart sized wide mouth mason jar to brew my cold brew. It is convenient and it makes it a tad stronger then normal as it holds a bit less water.
A French Press allows for the grounds to be separated from the water and served easily.
Simply pour the water over the grinds in the jar or French Press and stir, incorporating the coffee grounds throughout the water. Over and store in the fridge
Cover and Steep
Time is an incredible thing. 12-24 hours steep is ideal for this type of brew. I have found that 18 hours is the sweet spot, allowing for a rich, bold, and smooth cup of cold brew. The less time you use, the more watered down the coffee will taste. It will also become slightly more acidic and tangy.
Strain the Coffee
Once the coffee is brewed, it is time to strain the coffee. There are several methods to strain the grounds. coffee filters, French presses, cheesecloth. Any method you use is fine, as long as the filtration method is fine enough to catch the grounds. I recommend a fine mesh coffee strainer or a fine mesh sieve with a fine cloth. Nut milk bags, reusable coffee strainers, all viable options as well.
Store the Cold Brew
What is the Bean to Water Ratio
What Kind of Coffee is Best for Cold Brew?
Fun Ways to Flavor Your Cold Brew
Cold Brew FAQ